

Isaac's tears are replaced by a knife that pierces enemies, can travel through obstacles and can hurt enemies while Isaac is holding it. Holding down the fire button before firing increases its range and power.


"Stab stab stab"


  • Isaac's tears are replaced by a knife that pierces enemies and can travel through obstacles. Holding down the fire button increases its range and power.
    • The knife can hurt enemies while Isaac is holding it.
    • The knife deals 2x Isaac's damage while held and 6x damage at the furthest possible point of its arc, regardless of the actual maximum range stat.
  • This item belongs to the Yes Mother? set. Collecting three items from this set will transform Isaac into his mother.


  • - Isaac holds only one, but shoots multiple knives at their typical spread.
  • - Isaac holds only one, but shoots multiple knives at their typical spread.
  • - Isaac holds only one, but shoots multiple knives at their typical spread.
  • - Firing the knife also shoots a barrage of knives that goes across the screen, with each knife doing 80% of Isaac's damage. The longer the charge, the more knives are added. This effect does not work with Azazel's default mini brimstone. The brimstone-knives do not benefit from .
  • - The knife can now travel through walls and appear out of the opposite wall but will still have the boomerang effect.
  • - Still applies burning but no longer explodes.
  • - Knife bounces as it flies away from Isaac, each bounce splash causing Isaac's tear damage.
  • - The flames can shoot from Isaac while holding the fire button.
  • - Haemolacria works at the same time with Mom's Knife, with Haemolacria's fire rate resulting in longer charging.
    Mom's Knife overrides Haemolacria.
  • - Knife turns green and poison monsters that hit it. Removes Ipecac's damage increase.
    Also adds +4 damage.
    Damage bonus is +2 damage and the knife explodes on contact.
  • - The knife will block bullets, even when held (similar to but has a smaller blocking area).
  • - Isaac controls a floating knife that does 2x Isaac's damage. Tears stat is ignored and damage is dealt at a rate equivalent of 5 tear delay.
    The Ludovico Technique + any multi-shot item: Isaac controls a floating knife surrounded by additional rotating knives.
    The Ludovico Technique + Lost Contact: Floating knife loses almost all ability to block bullets, with a tiny area around the hilt that can stop shots.
    The Ludovico Technique + : Loses Loki's Horns effect; Isaac controls only one floating knife.
    The Ludovico Technique +: Mom's Knife overrides Brimstone leaving only the floating knife.
  • - Fires a cluster of 3-5 knives at maximum charge, each dealing 2x damage.
  • - The Knife deals double damage regardless of range.
  • - Enemies are pulled towards the knife. The effect is minor while not firing and much stronger while the knife is launched.
  • - Fires 10 knives in a circle around Isaac, dealing massive damage.
  • - Both fire normally.
    Overridden by Mom's Knife.
  • - Even though the knife cannot be fired, the knife will deal damage while Isaac is invincible.

Found in

  • Mom's Chest
  • Old Chest
  • Devil Room
  • Treasure Room
  • Devil Room (Greed Mode)
  • Treasure Room (Greed Mode)