Gain 2 Energized.
Stats | Get Psyched | Get Psyched+ |
Cost | 1 | 1 |
Energized | 2 | 3 |
Rarity: Rare
Type: Skill
Energized sets the energy cost of all playable status cards to 0. One stack of Energized is lost at the end of each turn.
Get Psyched, Strategist Bracer, and Power Through are key parts of Heavy weapon builds, and having at least one of them is highly recommended if relying on a heavy weapon.
Unlike the Strategist Bracer and Power Through, Get Psyched works on status cards other than Fatigues such as Shock, Wound, and even Muscle Pain.
Because it works for multiple turns, Get Psyched uses less energy and is usually better for larger decks than Power Through.
Early Access Release