The Binding of Isaac Wiki

Eye of Greed

Eye of Greed



Every 20 tears, Isaac loses 1 coin and shoots an additional gold tear that petrifies enemies and turns them into gold. Any enemy killed while in this state will drop coins.


"Gold tears!"


  • Adds a golden tear every 20 tears fired, which causes enemies to turn gold and petrifies them for a few seconds (similar to ) at the cost of one coin. Golden tears can still be fired if Isaac has no money.
    • Unlike other tear effects, golden tears are fired alongside regular tears rather than replacing a regular tear.
    • With multi-shot abilities, whichever tear is the 20th since previous will produce the additional golden tear.
    • The golden tear does 2x normal damage.
    • Enemies killed while golden will drop 1-4 coins.


  • - How much the 20th tear was charged determines the size and damage of the golden tear.
  • - Golden tears will still look like coins and will still split into other golden coins when hitting obstacles.
  • - Golden tears will still look like coins and will still split into other golden coins when hitting obstacles.
  • - Golden tears will still look like coins and will still split into other golden coins when hitting obstacles.
  • - Golden tears can also be fed and will burst into split tears. Burst tears are not golden.

Found in

  • Secret Room
  • Treasure Room (Greed Mode)


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