The Binding of Isaac Wiki

Angelic Prism

Angelic Prism


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Spawns an orbital familiar with a large orbital radius. Tears that pass through the prism split into four multi-colored tears.


"Eclipsed by the moon"


  • Spawns an orbital familiar with a large orbital radius. Tears that pass through the prism split into four multi-colored tears.
  • Bug? The Forgotten club dissapears after passing the prism. It doesn't deal any damage.


  • - The laser is split in four.
  • - Four cards are shot out if Chaos Card hits the prism.
  • - All of the split tears will be electrified. Also, electric arcs that pass through the prism will be split.
  • - While the tear is in contact with the prism, it will fire 4 additional tears in cardinal directions at Isaac's tear rate.
  • - When the knife touches the prism, split knives are launched that do not return to Isaac. The extra knives deal only 1x damage, unlike normal thrown knives.
  • - The laser is split in four.
  • - The laser is split in four.
  • - Tears that are floating in the air when they hit the prism will quadruple but will not move. Tears that begin moving before they hit the prism will travel outwards normally.
    By releasing the built up tears as the prism passes by, significantly more tears can be affected than normal.
  • - Tears will split but continue stacked on top of each other along the tractor beam, essentially quadrupling the shot's damage.
  • - By keeping the prism in the same spot, damage output can be significantly increased in that direction.
    Duct Tape + : By stacking the incubus familiar on top of the prism before picking up Duct Tape, the shots will be affected no matter what direction Isaac is firing.
  • - The extra spectral tears generated will almost certainly hit the prism as they share the same orbit.
  • - The laser is split in four.
  • - By releasing the charge as the prism passes by, many more tears can be affected than otherwise.
  • - Since having the exact same orbital radius, orbiting tears will immediately being split into 28 multi-colored tears upon entering a room.
  • - Turns the chain of tears into four multi-colored chains.

Found in

  • Angel Room
  • Angel Room (Greed Mode)


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