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Artificing Recipes

Items collected in game have assigned resource values in each of four (4) categories, Elemental, Death, Life, Arcane.
These resource values range from zero (0) to five (5). Each point in a category is displayed as a colored pip on the icon for the item. Values of 0 are not indicated on items.
Items can have wildcard pips instead, indicating that they will add that many points to any active categories.
Items may also reduce points in active categories.

Threshold Recipes rely on achieving thresholds in each category by adding items into the Ore and Ingredients slots in the crafting interface.
Death and Life cancel out points in each other when used in the same crafting.
The combination of thresholds reached determines the final outcome. Not every combination of thresholds currently results in an outcome.
Ore is mandatory with artificing recipes, resulting in 4 Tiers of outcome depending on the ore used.

Each category has three (3) thresholds. Achieving each threshold requires 3 points contributed by items in the Ore and Ingredients slots.
3 points for threshold 1, 6 points for threshold 2 and 9 points for threshold 3.
Excess points do not contribute anything to the outcome.

There are 116 Threshold Artificing Recipes in game, 29 for each Ore.
Similarly to Alchemy recipes, production of low essence requirement glyphs can allow you to more easily create recipes with higher essence requirements. The inability to use alchemical catalysts makes this more time consuming. Higher tier ores do not contribute to the essence values of the finished glyphs, thus the following tables only include the essence information of the produced glyphs for Mountain Copper recipes.

Ore refinement recipes become available once you have built the Adamantinum Forge room in your Tower. These allow you to trade more common ores for rarer types.

Mountain Copper Threshold Recipes (Lesser)

OutcomeEffectElementalDeathLifeArcaneEssence Values
Arcanist I+4 Focus9Arcane x4
Ashen I+20% Elemental Resistance Tempered Fire36Death x3 & Elemental x1
Blight INor's Curse63Elemental x3 & Death x1
Bowman I+2 Missile Damage6Elemental x3
Cutthroat ISerrated Blades33Death x2 & Elemental x1
Deathlord+20% Death Resistance9Death x4
Despair I+1 Death Damage33Elemental x2 & Arcane x1
Eel IItem: Weapon of the Eel63Elemental x3 & Life x1
Elementalist I+50% Elemental Resistance9Elemental x4
Firewielder IExploit Burn3Elemental x2
Graverobber IUndertaker3Death x2
Guardians IFree Attacks of Opportunity333Arcane x2 & Elemental x1 & Death x1
Healthy I+10 Health3Life x2
Herbalist IHarvest Plant6Life x3
Leader IItem: Weapon of the Leader333Life x2 & Elemental x1 & Arcane x1
Lifegiver I+9 Magical Daily Regeneration9Life x4
Mountain Goat IMine Ore33Life x2 & Elemental x1
Necromancer I+30% Soulcatch63Death x3 & Arcane x1
Occultism ISummon Minor Demon36Arcane x3 & Death x1
Owl I+20% XP6Arcane x3
Pathfinder I+3 Speed33Life x2 & Arcane x1
Rhino I+20% Physical Resistance36Arcane x3 & Elemental x1
Seer I+1 Willpower3Arcane x2
Shield IShield Wall36Life x3 & Elemental x1
Slaver IItem: Cursed Shackles63Elemental x3 & Arcane x1
Spider IWebbing Touch33Death x2 & Arcane x1
Swordmaster IGuard Break36Arcane x3 & Life x1
Vampire IBloodthirsty6Death x3
White Mage I+20% White Resistance63Life x3 & Arcane x1

Sky Iron Threshold Recipes (Greater)

Arcanist IIApply Silence9
Ashen IIAttacks can Burn / Spread Burning36
Blight IIItem: Shield of Blight63
Bowman II+2 Missile Range6
Cutthroat II+10% Loot33
Deathlord+5 Death Damage9
Despair IIFearless33
Eel IICall Lightning63
Elementalist II+5 Elemental Damage9
Firewielder IIFirewielder3
Graverobber IIHoly Warrior3
Guardians IIItem: Armor of the Guardians333
Healthy II+200% Daily Regeneration3
Herbalist IIGathering Boost
Leader IICommander333
Lifegiver IIItem: Trinket of the Lifegiver9
Mountain Goat IIMountain Guide33
Necromancer IIUndead Officer63
Occultism IIBanisher36
Owl II+10 Research / Battle6
Pathfinder IIForest Guide33
Rhino IIMelee can Stun36
Seer II+2 Focus3
Shield II+2 Armor36
Slaver IIFollower63
Spider IIEpidemic / Exploit Poison33
Swordmaster II+2 Melee Damage36
Vampire II+50% Lifesteal6
White Mage II+5 White Damage63

Corrupted Adamantinum Threshold Recipes (Corrupted)

AshenItem: Trinket of the Ashen36
Blight-50% White Resistance / Stack: +3 Death Damage63
BowmanItem: Armor of the Bowman6
CutthroatItem: Weapon of the Cutthroat33
DeathlordUnit cannot enter Guard / Intimidating Attack9
DespairIntimidate / Enslaved33
Elementalist-50% Elemental Resistance / Attacks can inflict Enkindled9
Firewielder+6 Damage / Starts Battle Burning3
Graverobber-50% Death Resistance / Raid Tomb3
Guardians-3 Damage / Guardian Mend333
Healthy+40 Health / -50% Daily Regeneration3
HerbalistStack: Harvest Plant6
LeaderFor each Follower in stack gain +1 Damage333
LifegiverLifegiver's Mercy9
Mountain GoatMining Boost33
NecromancerSoul Catcher63
OccultismBloody Eruption36
Owl+8 Focus / -3 Willpower6
PathfinderStack: +3 Speed33
RhinoItem: Armor of the Rhino36
Seer+2 Focus / -1 Willpower / Cleanse Ally3
ShieldReplace Guard with Impenetrable Bastion36
SlaverFor each Enslaved in Stack: +1 Damage & +2 Willpower vs Missile attacks63
Spider-20% Healing / Poisonous Touch33
SwordmasterStarts Battle Silenced / +1 Attacks36
VampireDefy Death6
White Mage-10 Melee Damage / Mental Curse63

Adamantinum Threshold Recipes (Pure)

ArcanistItem: Armor of the Arcanist9
Ashen+10 Elemental Damage36
BlightPoisonous Touch / Exploit Poison63
BowmanNo Range Penalty Missile Attacks6
CutthroatFirst Strike33
EelDischarge / Wing Cutter63
ElementalistItem: Tome of the Elementalist9
FirewielderFlame Armor3
Graverobber+100% Soul Catch3
GuardiansEffortless Defense333
Healthy+30 Health3
HerbalistHealer / First Aid6
LeaderStack gains -100% Willpower Loss333
LifegiverStack heals daily to 100%9
Mountain GoatMountain Guide / Stack: +2 World Map movement33
Necromancer100% Soul Trapped / Raise Undead / Consume Corpse63
OwlItem: Tome of the Owl6
PathfinderStack: Traverse Any Terrain33
Seer+4 Focus / True Sight3
ShieldItem: Shield of the Shield36
SpiderItem: Tome of the Spider33
SwordmasterItem: Weapon of the Swordmaster36
VampireGreater Life Leech6
White Mage+2 White Damage / Praise the Light63

Item Recipes

OutcomeOreElementalDeathLifeArcaneItem Effect
Armor of the ArcanistAdamantinum9+8 Focus / +4 Willpower
Armor of the BowmanCorrupted Adamantinum6-2 Melee Damage / -1 Armor vs Melee / +3 Missile Damage / +1 Missile Range
Armor of the GuardiansSky Iron333+3 Armor
Armor of the RhinoCorrupted Adamantinum36+10 Health / -1 Speed / +3 Armor
Cursed ShacklesMountain Copper63Use Cursed Shackles
Shield of BlightSky Iron63+50% Death Damage Resistance / Shielded
Shield of the ShieldAdamantinum36+4 Willpower / Shielded
Tome of the ElementalistAdamantinum9Meteor / Firewielder
Tome of the OwlAdamantinum6+50% XP / +3 Allfire / Cleanse Ally
Tome of the SpiderAdamantinum33Cocoon / Webbing Touch
Trinket of the AshenCorrupted Adamantinum36+3 Elemental Damage / -50% Elemental Resistance / Inferno
Trinket of the LifegiverSky Iron9Regeneration
Weapon of the CutthroatCorrupted Adamantinum33+1 Melee Damage / Backstab
Weapon of the EelMountain Copper63+3 White Damage / Piercing Attacks
Weapon of the LeaderMountain Copper333Stack: +2 Willpower
Weapon of the SwordmasterAdamantinum36+5 Melee Damage / Retaliation Attacks do not consume Actions


OreRarityEssence Values
Mountain CopperCommonElemental x1
Sky IronUncommonElemental x1 & Arcane x1
Corrupted AdamantinumRareDeath x2 & Arcane x1
AdamantinumRareWildcard x2

Ore Refinement Recipes

OutcomeStarting OreIngrediant Ores
Sky IronMountain CopperMountain Copper x2
Corrupted AdamantinumMountain CopperMountain Copper x3
AdamantinumSky IronSky Iron x4
AdamantinumCorrupted AdamantinumCorrupted Adamantinum x4




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