The Binding of Isaac Wiki




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Allows Isaac to dash into and pick up enemies, then slam them into the ground to deal damage and create rock waves that damage nearby enemies and destroy obstacles.


"Angel breaker"


  • Causes Isaac to dash a short distance. If Isaac runs into an enemy while dashing, he picks them up and a crosshair spawns under him that can be controlled with tear controls. After one second, Isaac slams down with the enemy, dealing 50 damage to them and any enemies he lands on and creates circular rock waves that damage nearby enemies and destroy obstacles.
    • Isaac is immune to damage for the duration of the effect, which allows him to use it to get into curse rooms and travel over spikes without taking damage
    • Isaac can suplex bosses as easily as normal enemies.
    • Isaac can suplex Poky type enemies
    • Isaac can suplex fires generated by enemies
    • Suplexing an immobile enemy or boss such as Mega Maw will result in Isaac and the enemy to return to the original location of the enemy after hitting the ground

Found in

  • Crane Game
  • Treasure Room
  • Treasure Room (Greed Mode)


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