Combines the effects of D4, The D6, and D20. Combines the effects of D1, D4, The D6, D7, D8, D10, D12, and D20.
- Duplicates 1 random pickup in the current room (like the
D1). - Rerolls all passive items on Isaac (like the
D4). - Rerolls all pedestal items in the room (like
The D6). - Restarts the room and respawns all enemies (like the
D7). - Rerolls Isaac's damage, tears, range and speed (like the
D8). - Rerolls all monsters in the room (like the
D10). - Rerolls all rocks in the room (like the
D12). - Rerolls all pickups in the room (like the
Found in
- Crane Game
- Treasure Room
- Shop (Greed Mode)