Alina of the Arena Wiki

Breathing Technique

Breathing Technique

Gain 5 Block. Return a card from your discard pile to your draw pile.


StatsBreathing TechniqueBreathing Technique+
Card PlacementRandomTop

Rarity: Common
Type: Combat


Only gains 3 block when upgraded, so the upgrade is more for the better effect.

Breathing Technique places the selected card in a random spot in the deck, while Breathing Technique+ places it on the top of the deck, ensuring that the selected card is the next card you draw.

Whether or not Breathing Technique is worth upgrading is dependent on the size of the deck.

In larger decks, Breathing Technique+'s consistency ensures you can draw important cards when you need them, so upgrading is helpful.

In smaller decks, the random element in Breathing Technique is minimized, so upgrading is less of a priority.

Version History

Early Access Release

  • Introduced