Additives correct way

Posted by Anonymous 23 days ago.

Hello everyone ,
Because I fail some orders additives amount I figure out the right way to do it
before I put them all together with the chocolate mix and heat them but when I had to do like 3 or 4 amount of chocolate bar it ruin everything so I figure out that I had to put the additives later on pressing machine on each tray following the number asked in the order. for example if he want 3 chocolate bar with additive of coffee 10g that mean for each so I gather 30g coffee ( fine - med) whatever they ask then add 10 to each 3 bar . this way I perfect orders :D - and remember the tray on pressing machine holds 100g anything other this number will be waste.

I don't know if someone had the same problem or just me, In case you had this problem I add this guide for you.


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